Build Web Pages 10x Faster Using Emmet

Build Web Pages 10x Faster Using Emmet

Emmet Shortcuts You Should Know


3 min read

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Welcome back! It’s been a while I have written anything. To start 2022, why not look at some of the Emmet shortcuts to speed up the web page building process!!


In this post, we will look at some of the useful Emmet shortcuts. Though there are tons of Emmet shortcuts, we will be looking at major and useful ones.

Before getting started, what Emmet actually is? As per official website

Emmet is a plugin for many popular text editors which greatly improves HTML & CSS workflow

That's right. Emmet helps you to improve your HTML and CSS workflow, we will look at how. You have been using Emmet if you are using VS Code ( Duh, who doesn’t use VS Code? )

Okay, without further ado, let’s get started.

HTML Boilerplate

You can type ( ! ) and hit enter to get the HTML boilerplate


The same can be achieved by html:5 but as a developer, we love to type fewer characters.

Nesting Operators

Nesting operators will help you to generate HTML elements that may be nested or can be placed as a sibling or you can add text and generate numbers too.

Child: >

The child (>) operator can be used to nest elements inside each other.



Sibling: +

Let’s say you need to place three elements as siblings, use + operator to achieve this.



Climb up: ^

What if you need to climb one stage up? We are nesting element using child (>) operator but with ( ^ ) operator you can go one step up.



Here we are inserting section and article inside of main but we want to add h1 nested inside the main and sibling of section

Multiplication: *

My favorite one. Using this operator we can specify how many elements we want.



Grouping: ()

Grouping allows us to create complex markup. It basically considers a group a single element.



We can also multiply the group and it will return the group multiple time


Attribute Operators

Emmet allows you to set the attributes for your HTML elements.

ID and Class

To set the ID on your HTML element use # and for class attribute use dot ( . )



Custom Attributes

Just like the attribute selector in CSS, we can use Emmet to set the custom attribute




  • We can specify as many attributes as we want.
  • We also don’t need to add value to the attribute, providing only attribute names will generate elements with empty attributes.

Text - {}

The last shortcut we will be looking at is adding text content in the element. And also the lorem ipsum text generation.

Use {} to add text and lorem keyword to add the dummy text





Emmet provides a lot of CSS abbreviations to write faster. It will be tiresome to add all of them here. I will link the cheat sheet at the end of the article.

Some of the examples of CSS are pos get converted into position: relative you can also specify which position value you need like pos:a it will give position: absolute

Similarly, there are shortcuts for margin and padding, border, outline, box-sizing, and so on.

Awesome! You reached the end of this article. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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Here is the cheatsheet I was talking about.

Keep coding 😃

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